2277 - 3282


2277 - 3290


Journal of Science

Author / Afflication
Józefczuk Jan

The Paediatric Ward with the Unit of Paediatric Cardiology, The Holy Spirit Special Hospital in Sandomierz, address: 13 Schinzla Street, Sandomierz, zip code 27-600, Poland.
Kasprzycka Wiktoria

The Department of Biochemistry and Optical Spectroscopy, the Institute of Optoelectronics – The Military University of Technology in Warsaw.
Czarnecki Rafał

The Paediatric Ward with the Unit of Paediatric Cardiology, The Holy Spirit Special Hospital in Sandomierz, address: 13 Schinzla Street, Sandomierz, zip code 27-600, Poland.
Padzik-Graczyk Alfreda

The Department of Biochemistry and Optical Spectroscopy, the Institute of Optoelectronics – The Military University of Technology in Warsaw.
Kwiatkowska-Graczyk Róża

The Paediatric Ward with the Unit of Paediatric Cardiology, The Holy Spirit Special Hospital in Sandomierz, address: 13 Schinzla Street, Sandomierz, zip code 27-600, Poland.
Kwiatek Alicja

The Paediatric Ward with the Unit of Paediatric Cardiology, The Holy Spirit Special Hospital in Sandomierz, address: 13 Schinzla Street, Sandomierz, zip code 27-600, Poland.
Magda Krzysztof

Marian Smoluchowski’s Institute of Physics – Jagiellonian University, Cracow
Magnesium ,Autism ,Epigenetics ,Homocysteine ,Methylation ,

Autism is a disease of variable clinical manifestation, genetically predisposed and depending on various epigenetic factors. Magnesium plays an important role among those factors. The study, involving 93 autistic children, demonstrated a significant reduction of tissue magnesium levels, high homocysteine levels and normal blood serum magnesium levels. Magnesium deficiency causes a reduced methylation of homocysteine to methionine; and high homocysteine level causes reduction of genome transcription and synaptic plasticity – being base irregularities in autism. The study results indicate purposefulness of determination of hair magnesium in autistic children, confirm usability of homocysteine determination as a part of a diagnostic process, and constitute the basis for attempted treatment of autistic children with magnesium products

Volume / Issue / Year

6 , 1 , 2016

Starting Page No / Endling Page No

11 - 15